Doing the Hard Things
John Bentley knows what it is like to walk through hard times. He also understands hard work. John’s perspective on life and leadership is contagious and encouraging.
True Colors
I was talking with an entrepreneur recently who was struggling with a business relationship. It seemed that she found herself working with a narcissist.
Truths for Success
If you are going to be successful you must be skilled in three things. The first skill is to be able to adapt.
I can’t explain the feeling of free falling out of a plane over the ocean ( tethered to my instructor Juan ). But I can tell you that the perspective from 10,000 feet is amazing.
Push Forward
How do you keep going when your world falls apart? How is it that someone can find the strength and stamina to persevere through hard times? We all know that this world brings hard things to us. The older you get the more you realize just how difficult life can be.
The Authentic Judge
It was a first for me. I was serving on the jury panel for a criminal case. As the case proceeded, I found myself incredibly impressed with the judge.
The American Dream
I have been with a group of leaders recently who are experiencing the American Dream. I was amazed by their commitment, work ethic and relentless pursuit of their vision.
Weak Enough
I recently got to spend time with Rick Burgess, the cohost of the “Rick and Bubba Show”. The show began in 1994, and has grown into a nationally syndicated radio show that airs to 1.2 million people weekly.
A Little On The Handle
He really didn’t have to do it. It was not his job or his responsibility. However, this leader saw a need and chose to tackle it.
Getting Back
I was there on a business trip and found myself observing the hard working team that was struggling to keep up with the surge of guests eager to get back to a normal lifestyle.