There is a time and a place for everything. This July 4th week is the time to celebrate the birth of our country. It’s not a time to propagate political agendas or point out all that is wrong with this nation. No country is perfect and ours certainly has its imperfections. But we are celebrating our great nation who has taken in the poor, defended the weak, offered international aid and provided a way of life for millions of people. Those things don’t come cheap and were bought with the sacrifice and blood of many brave men and women.
Take a minute and listen to one of them. His name is Sherwood Stewart, he is 95 years old and he fought for our country in World War 2. Now, all of these years later, he celebrates its 245th birthday by singing. Watch this short video and allow yourself a moment of celebration and thankfulness.
“O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”
If we all can work toward making a difference like veteran Sherman Stewart, the answer is a resounding YES!
Happy 4th of July week!Larry
Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Dr. Mat Park on training NASA, pro golf, and the AAPI community in America
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