
The two leaders worked for the same company and had the same difficult task to accomplish. They had to go to the sites they were responsible for and navigate a reduction in force decision. The first leader went to the site with the mission of getting in and getting out as quickly as possible. He communicated the news, gave instructions for the execution of the reduction and left.

The second leader chose a different approach. She blocked time on her schedule to meet with each person affected by the reduction. She delivered hard news and she listened to each newly terminated employee. She answered questions and most importantly showed authentic care for each one. This leader is now a global executive for the company.   

Authentic care is not found in many of the latest “5 tips to success” or “how to crush the profit margins “ leadership programs. It is not something we hear much about, but it may be one of the most important characteristics a leader possesses. It is important because leaders who are not authentic are not effective. Relationships that are not authentic will not survive.

Being authentic does not mean always “saying what you think”. It means truly caring about the people in your life enough to have hard conversations when necessary. It means demonstrating mutual respect in our relationships. It is owning our mistakes and saying ‘I’m sorry’ when needed. It is demonstrated by our behavior, not just our words. It takes work.

Choose to show authentic care in your relationships and you will make a difference.


Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Barney Cohen on Business Basics and the American Dream

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The Authentic Judge


The American Dream