Phil Marshall on Navigating the Storms of Your Own Life, and Why You Deserve What You Tolerate
From a young man who grew up on a farm, to the CEO of a large aerospace company, John Watson has learned a lot about developing the characteristics that make a successful leader. John is the President and CEO of Torch Technologies, an engineering services and solutions firm headquartered in Huntsville, AL with over $500M in annual revenues and 1,100 employees operating in ten states supporting primarily the Army and Missile Defense Agency.
John Watson on going above and beyond, relationship equity, and leading a multi-million dollar company
From a young man who grew up on a farm, to the CEO of a large aerospace company, John Watson has learned a lot about developing the characteristics that make a successful leader. John is the President and CEO of Torch Technologies, an engineering services and solutions firm headquartered in Huntsville, AL with over $500M in annual revenues and 1,100 employees operating in ten states supporting primarily the Army and Missile Defense Agency.
Dr. Rebecca Teeters on the social unrest in Minneapolis and being a female leader in corporate industry
This interview was recorded on June 11 from the epicenter of the unrest in Minneapolis, headquarters of 3M and home to Dr. Rebecca Powers Teeters.
Rebecca has been a leader at 3M for 20+ years, where she currently serves as the Strategy and Execution Director for Enterprise Operations. She holds a Ph.D in Chemistry from University of Missouri-Columbia. It’s safe to say that Rebecca has a long list of accomplishments and titles that lend to her credibility as a professional and a leader, but one of my favorite things about her is her candid, straightforward nature. In this interview, she is vulnerable and real with us about difficult topics including social unrest, race and racial discrimination in our country, and being a female leader in the workplace. This is a heavy-hitting interview, and I hope you’ll listen and learn from the perspective and insight that Rebecca offers in this candid conversation.
Bruce Jones on being black, the murder of George Floyd, and the importance of dialogue
This podcast episode was recorded on June 2, as our country is reeling from the murder of George Floyd and the protests and riots that have broken out in every single state demanding justice and change. I asked my long-time friend, Bruce Jones, to have an honest conversation with me about race. Since this is a podcast, for context I’ll tell you that Bruce is a black man, and I am a white man. We’re also releasing the zoom video recording of our conversation on our website, which I’ll link to in the show notes for this episode, if you’d like to watch as well as listen.
I hope you’ll listen and learn from Bruce.
Dave King on growing up, giving back, and leading through the Columbia Space Shuttle Tragedy
Dave King is the President of Dynetics, a large aerospace and engineering company, a father to three children, and a close friend of mine. In this interview, Dave shares with us his experiences growing up in South Carolina, and how the lessons he learned as a child influenced the the values he holds closest as an adult, and he is transparent and vulnerable about his personal experiences with adopting his two daughters and parenting a son with special needs. As the former director of NASA’s Marshal Space Flight Center, Dave led the recovery efforts after the Columbia Space Shuttle tragedy, and during this interview he shares with us how he owned their mistakes by admitting that “we missed it”, and how that leadership helped the organization to heal.
Introduction to Crossing The Line
Leadership has become a buzzword. In this podcast, Larry Little skips the over-used cliches and industry jargon about leadership and digs deep into the moments when real people have been faced with hard decisions about what kind of leader they want to be. Leadership doesn’t happen in the vacuum of an office or boardroom, but in the moments when we strive and fail and try again to show up for our team, our friends, our families, and ourselves. This series will feature personal interviews with leaders from all walks of life, and give you insight into how they showed up in the moments that made them who they are today- the moments when they chose to cross the line.