Phil Marshall on Navigating the Storms of Your Own Life, and Why You Deserve What You Tolerate

Phil Marshall is the Vice President and General Manager of Manufacturing at NORDAM, and he has been a friend of mine for nearly 20 years now. In this interview, he offers us insights into how he has navigated some of the storms of his own life, and leads with vulnerability in sharing about his parent's divorce when he was young and how it shaped his character and leadership abilities today. A resident of Tulsa, he offers perspective on the racial tensions that the city is experiencing in the midst of a nation-wide reckoning with racism and historical oppression. He opens up about how he has adjusted to leading his team at a multi-million dollar company remotely in the midst of a global pandemic, something many of us could learn from right now. Phil is a man of character who reminds us that we deserve what we tolerate, and demonstrates the power of setting high expectations and not settling for less.

I always enjoy my conversations with Phil, and I always learn something from him. This interview was no exception, and I’m excited to share his story and his wisdom with you.


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