Dr. Rebecca Teeters on the social unrest in Minneapolis and being a female leader in corporate industry

This interview was recorded on June 11 from the epicenter of the unrest in Minneapolis, headquarters of 3M and home to Dr. Rebecca Powers Teeters.

Rebecca has been a leader at 3M for 20+ years, where she currently serves as the Strategy and Execution Director for Enterprise Operations. She holds a Ph.D in Chemistry from University of Missouri-Columbia. It’s safe to say that Rebecca has a long list of accomplishments and titles that lend to her credibility as a professional and a leader, but one of my favorite things about her is her candid, straightforward nature. In this interview, she is vulnerable and real with us about difficult topics including social unrest, race and racial discrimination in our country, and being a female leader in the workplace. This is a heavy-hitting interview, and I hope you’ll listen and learn from the perspective and insight that Rebecca offers in this candid conversation.


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