Wounded Heroes

Del and Tricia share an unwanted event. Both lost their dads unexpectedly, a few weeks apart, during the first months of this year. They are in the middle of grieving a loss that only those who have walked this journey can understand. They cannot put a timer on grief to lift so that they can “get on with their lives”. They cannot simply will away the deep waves of loss and pain. Yet, they have made a choice.
Each of these mental health care professionals have chosen to serve through their grief. While still struggling with sights, sounds, smells, places, and memories that remind them of their terrific loss, they help others. Each counselor continues to walk with their clients during these difficult days laced with fear and anxiety for many. When the grief is too great, they take time, regroup and then continue to speak into the lives of others who are hurting.
It’s amazing really, two wounded heroes who refuse to allow their grief, their fear or a virus to keep them from doing what they have been called to do. While I don’t know the pain they feel each day, I do know that they are heroes in every sense of the word. I also know that because of their courage to keep on fighting, lives are being healed.
Thank you, Del and Tricia, for your example of what a true servant leader looks like. You are making a difference.



Jasper the Pup


Character Rises