Jasper the Pup

Jasper is one of the coolest dogs I have ever seen. His laid back personality and cute appearance make him a favorite with just about everyone. Recently however, Jasper has experienced some hard times. He had to be rushed to the vet for emergency surgery due to a life-threatening condition. But Jasper has a strong advocate in his owner as well as a support group around him. When the emergency occurred, his support group jumped into action and provided the care he needed. Currently, he is being cared for by this group of people who are committed to his full recovery and well being.

While Jasper may be a pup, his stressful experience demonstrates the importance of having the support of others. All of us need people who we trust to speak into our lives- especially when we are unable to speak up for ourselves. We need people who truly care for us and who are not driven by selfish agendas. We should give the same to others as we meet their needs.

Those who choose not to invest in building strong relationships are cheating themselves and others. We cannot survive alone. Relationships take time and investment. The good news is that they can be developed virtually as well as in person. Even in these strange days of COVID we can choose to invest in the lives of others.  

Who are those “go to” people in your life? Who are those to whom you are providing support?Thanks to his support team, Jasper is slowly recovering and hopefully on his way to good health. Choose to focus on building strong, dependable relationships and you will make a difference.



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Wounded Heroes