Character Rises

They are a diverse group. One is an HR Director, one is a Licensed Social Worker, and one is a counselor who works with the Hispanic community.  Meet Jana, Ruthie and Marcos. They all work at the same company and are incredible at their jobs. That’s not all that they have in common. Each one of these leaders is committed to serving others even in the most difficult times. They are leading the efforts within their organization to give back to their local community.
So far, they have organized and lead in providing food at the local hospitals and care facilities for healthcare workers who work the third shift. Those healthcare warriors lost access to late night food resources due to the quarantine. This past week, these leaders provided over 300 meals for residents of a local apartment complex who have been negatively affected by the economic shutdown.
When times get tough you see character, good or bad, rise to the surface in people. These leaders are showing their true character and call. I’ll tell you a secret… They are just getting started.
Thank you Jana, Ruthie and Marcus for your selfless work and sacrifice to your community. You are making a difference!



Wounded Heroes


The Delivery Drop