The Vaccine and the Vitamin

It is an understatement to say that we are in unchartered waters as a nation. Our team at Eagle is focused on how to create a “new normal” in the way we serve and walk with our clients. Personally, I am learning how to redefine work-life balance as most….make that all, of my work will happen remotely from my home for the next several weeks.

This “new normal”  is a great opportunity for us to step up and lean into this crises that has caused so much fear in lives of those around us. The situation is serious and I am in no way mitigating the danger that the COVID-19 poses to us, and especially to the people who are most vulnerable in our population. Despite the danger, we cannot allow fear to hold us hostage and control our mindset or our behaviors. We must resolve to lead ourselves and those around us with wisdom and hope.

Wisdom is the vaccine for being overcome with fear, and hope is the vitamin that gives us strength for the future.

It is my prayer that you find wisdom and hope during these difficult days for yourself  and for those you lead and love. My source of wisdom and hope comes from One who is much greater than myself. His name is Jesus.

When we realize that how we go through this crises is just as important as the crises itself, we will make a difference.



COVID-19 Heroes: Dr. Nick


Coronavirus Leadership Lessons