Coronavirus Leadership Lessons

There is one thing that is certain…nothing is certain. Who could have predicted that we would find ourselves in the middle of a coronavirus scare that has caused the markets to dive, travel to be halted and countries to put up quarantine borders? While I have no idea how long or how deep this crises will grow, at some point, it will end. Until then, we will take the health precautions necessary to reasonably protect us from contamination. This is a great time to assess how we deal with crises.
Strong leaders make decisions based on facts and they refuse to allow fear to drive their behavior. While no one knows the final effects of this virus, we can lead ourselves and our teams to make wise, well thought-through decisions. The coronavirus threat is dangerous to not only you but to those who may be infected by you. This is a fundamental principle in leadership: Leadership is not about you. It’s about those you influence. Your response and behavior may have an impact on how others respond. How you decide to lead through these uncertain days can greatly influence others. Think about your response not only during this virus episode but in your ongoing daily routines. Are you making wise choices that demonstrate servant leadership?
Choose to use this time to become self aware of your behavior in all aspects of your leadership. When we choose to behave with wisdom and common sense, we will make a difference.



The Vaccine and the Vitamin


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