The Epicenter

Everyone is experiencing these interesting and difficult days differently. Dr. Rebecca Teeters lives in the epicenter of where the focus on the civil unrest began this year. She resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota and is living the consequences of her community’s disruption.

We don’t get to choose our circumstances but we do get to choose how we respond to them. Rebecca has had her share of difficult waters to navigate, not just now but throughout her career. She is now responsible for setting strategy for one of the largest organizations within the business community. My respect for Rebecca comes not from her exceptionally high IQ or her position within the company for whom she works. My respect is derived from her ability to persevere and to stay on a path of self awareness and personal growth, even in the hardest of times.

Take a minute to hear from Rebecca as she shares how her life, her family’s life and her community have all been drastically changed within the last few weeks. She also shares vulnerably about how being a woman and leading is a difficult role. It’s an authentic and honest interview from a leader who is committed to making a difference.


Check out the interview on my Crossing the Line Podcast here:


Empty Leadership


Ears First