Ears First

It was silent on the other end of the line. I was in a conversation with a seasoned executive and had just delivered some coaching help concerning her leadership. I admit my first impulse was that I had offended her. I was wrong. In a moment she explained, “I am processing what you’re saying and applying it to my recent experiences. I am also thinking of how I’m going to use this information in the future.”
I came away from my conversation with a renewed respect for this leader. She demonstrated the two characteristics that all great leaders possess: the discipline to listen to feedback and the humility to learn from it.
With all of the turmoil in our society today, it appears that we need more leaders like her. Those who have the ability to truly listen and learn. Admitting that we don’t have all the answers and being open to gaining new insights is where respect begins.
I am actively working  on the skill of listening to gain insight from those with different experiences and  perspectives than mine. When we choose to lead with our ears first, we will make a difference.



The Epicenter


Just Listen