Empty Leadership

Trying to offer a solution before you fully understand the problem is a recipe for failure. When we make assumptions before we have spent the time to learn about an issue, it often leads to making empty and incorrect comments. Everyone has an opinion and has the freedom, in our country, to share their thoughts. However, when we slow down to consider more than what’s at the surface of a situation, we are able to offer a much more informed solution.
More important than offering our thoughts, is demonstrating our actions. Paraphrasing Ralph Waldo Emerson’s words: Many times what we do speaks so loudly that no one can hear what we are saying. Our leadership is empty if our behavior does not match our words.  Servant leadership means leading by serving others. Serving is a verb that indicates action.
A wise leader and friend of mine recently sent me the following quote:
“The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.”
 - Mother Teresa

Take the time to process and apply this wisdom and you will make a difference!


Will Myers

I support web designers and developers in Squarespace by providing resources to improve their skills. 


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