Your Story

I am finding a pattern. As I talk with leaders from all walks of life, I see a common thread. Each person has a story, but that’s not the thread, as we all have stories. It’s what they have chosen to write into their stories that is interesting. Every leader has experienced good times and bad, however, the really strong ones have taken nuggets from their experiences that serve as value markers for their lives today.
These leaders have used good times and bad to gain more than just experience. They have gained character. While we all travel through life with unique stories, some have taken things like hard work, perseverance, tenacity, serving, loving and compassion from their past. These characteristics define them in the present and guide their lives into the future.
Think about your life. Your past will always be a part of you. However, you can choose what pieces of the past you will use to make you stronger, wiser, more loving and authentic as a leader. You can find growth in your struggles and gratitude in your victories.
We all have a story. It’s how we walk through this journey called life that makes a difference.



The Zombie


Jasper the Pup