Just Listen

Thank you for the kind and heartfelt comments that many of you sent to me in regard to my podcast interview with Bruce Jones. He displayed courage, honesty, transparency and wisdom in the interview. You can tell a lot about a person by how they handle difficult circumstances. Bruce is a man of integrity and strong character.

In case you missed it, I will attach a link to the podcast and video interview at the bottom of this post.

There has been a plethora of commentary on the recent events in our country. I would suggest that we do three things in the days ahead. First, let’s listen. Just listen to those who may have different perspective. Listen not to have a come back or response, but listen to learn. This approach allows us to authentically admit that we don’t have all the answers but we can learn more from hearing another’s point of pain, hurt or frustration. Then let’s ask more questions. Ask the hard questions, the ones that deserve to be answered. Then listen and learn again.

Only when we try to understand can real change occur. Listen, learn and lead with questions. It’s the formula for growing deeper relationships and facilitating meaningful action. That’s how we all truly can make a difference.



Ears First


Bruce Jones on being black, the murder of George Floyd, and the importance of dialogue