COVID-19 Heroes: Stan, the Business Man

Small businesses are in the middle of a difficult dilemma. They are trying to take care of their employees and still find a way to provide services and resources for their customers. In this quarantine culture, this is an incredibly difficult, if not impossible, feat.

Stan (not his real name) is valiantly trying to pull it off. He owns a small service company that has a large geographical footprint. During these unprecedented times, Stan has taken extra steps to communicate to his team.

This communication is not just about work, but includes personal issues like checking on those who are sick and who have family that are ill. He has also provided creative ways for his team to have access to virtual meeting tools, and encouraged them to use these tools for business or to keep in touch with friends and family. He says in one of his emails, “I’m not sure how long we’ll be dealing with the COVID-19 impact, but if you are unable to spend time with friends and family, please leverage this tool to get together virtually as often as you wish!!”

He is fearlessly loyal and protective of his team as well: “Focus on yourselves, your families, each other, and our customers. I will take care of everything else. Under no circumstance do I intend to let you down.” He means that literally. He recently sent out an email entitled, Maybe the most important update. Here is an excerpt of what he said:

“I just wanted to let you know that we are working a plan to ensure a strong inventory of toilet paper at the office. If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of running out at home and supplies are exhausted at the stores in town, please take up to 2 emergency rolls from the office home to your family to buy a little time for supplies to make their way back to the stores.  It may not be your first choice but it’s better than running out.  😊

Don’t take it from me- one of his team members told me that during this time Stan has been a “picture of leadership, humility, and grace.” Thank you Stan, for leading with excellence. You are making a difference!



COVID-19 Heroes: Following Her Heart


COVID-19 Heroes: Dr. Nick