Charlie Meyer - New Choices

As 2022 begins, there are new hopes, dreams and opportunities.  The new year also brings change.  It is true that change is inevitable, but how we navigate change is our choice. Many times we tend to blame our poor decisions on our circumstances. Instead of owning our behavior, we deny, excuse and become defensive. I think that’s why we are seeing a culture of entitlement with those who consistently point an accusing finger and expect others to jump to meet their demands.

I gained a new friend recently who knows what’s it’s like to navigate hard things with perseverance. He is an entrepreneur, and his success has not been handed to him nor did he just “get lucky” and fall into it. He leads with humility, wisdom and strength. He believes that good choices yield positive outcomes. 

His name is Charlie Meyer. If you choose to listen to this episode of our Crossing The Line podcast, I promise that it will benefit you as a person and as a leader. Charlie has much to say from his experiences and his wisdom is incredibly valuable.

Choose to make 2022 the year of good decisions and you will make a difference.


Dr. Yvette Rice - A Leader of People


The Importance of Trust