Walk The Path

We all have been through them. Those times when things seem to pile up.  One thing after another, until the path forward seems incredibly hard and overwhelming. This family is in one of those difficult seasons of life. They are in the midst of a storm of loss of a cherished loved one, chronic illness of another and more challenging issues. I watch as they navigate beautifully the strenuous path with grace, love and even laughter. While visiting with one of the leaders in the family, I ask how they are able to keep going with such strength. He pauses and says, “Look around, see the friends who are here? They are the reason we can cope and continue. When those we love and who love us come around us, it brings much needed strength.” Then he said, “It’s the people in life who choose to walk with you, that matter”.

It is true in every area of life. If strong teams in the business world are built on trust, then it must begin with developing trusting relationships. If communication is the key to successful execution of work, then it begins with learning to talk with one another. If we are to survive the storms of life personally or professionally, we must have those who choose to weather those storms with us…Likewise, we must choose to be there for those around us who are struggling. It’s called leadership.

This precious family reminded me of the value of being present in others lives through the hard stuff. They also made me grateful for those who do life with me. Choose to walk with those who you know are in a season of struggle and you will make a difference.



The Coffee Fix


Super Hero