Super Hero

You might never know. She certainly would not call attention to herself. However, if you were to assess the VIP roles within our organization, she would land near the top. She works behind the scenes to support, organize, lead and execute too many tasks to mention here. Her name is Robin and, in my opinion, she is nothing short of a super hero. You will never hear a negative or critical word from her, yet she is thrown curve balls by our team consistently. Her ability to make sense of our chaos is one of the main reasons we continue to thrive.
Many times Robin is the first one to arrive at work and the last to leave. Her work is tedious at times and, at others, is ridiculously urgent. Through it all she steadfastly demonstrates excellence in her work. She is not perfect but when she makes a mistake she is quick to own it and to work to resolve the issue.
She has too many people wanting her time, energy and effort. Yet, through all of this she remains positive, polite and driven to keep our organization on track. She does this while living an extremely busy life out side of work. She leads in her church and in her home as a mom to young twins as well as a wife to her husband.
Her consistent character and her authentic belief in what we do is nothing short of inspiring. In my opinion, Robin is much more than a Service Coordinator for our company…she is a super heroTake the time this week to recognize the super heroes around you.
Thank you Robin for making a difference. 



Walk The Path


In The Arena