The Big Blue

This is hard stuff. The length of uncertainty and the depth of the new normal is taking its toll. I was talking with a married couple who owns a business together. They are bombarded by the challenges that come with owning a small business plus the added stressors caused by this global pandemic and the civil unrest that has seized our country.  They are pulled between focusing on their business needs, the safety of their family and actively participating in the real need to address the issue of racism. They are experiencing what so many of us are dealing with, an increase of stress in multiple areas of our lives.
I have taken the stress pulse of leaders from across the country and I get the same results no matter what the business or level of leadership. Nearly everyone’s stress level is up. I asked this young couple how they were coping and they answered with honesty and insight. They said it was incredibly hard but they are finding ways to manage their stress. Recently they declared a “no-screen/rest week”. They chose to renew their souls by getting away from blue screens of any form and simply resting.
How many of us could put down the screen for a day? A side effect of being over stressed is our need to seek more data, engage in constant connection and have ultimate control of our lives. What if we let go of one of the biggest causes of our stress just for a little while? What if we shut down the big blue stressor long enough to renew our souls?
I can tell you that this couple experienced a renewal of the mind, body and spirit from their screen-less vacation. Let’s learn from them. While we can’t control the causes of these difficult days, we can choose how we take care of ourselves. I challenge you to go screen-less for a while. When we allow ourselves to renew it will make a difference!



Avoiding the Rocks


Heavy Lifting