Thank You For A Wonderful Life

He worked hard, led well and is at the pinnacle of his career. He leads a large company that has many exciting opportunities and challenges. He will not lead them toward those goals. He is leaving the company. I asked this leader why he would leave this important role in the organization. He told me that it was because he has a more important role to fill.

He said that every morning his wife looks at him and tells him, “Thank you for a wonderful life”. She is beginning the difficult journey of the “long goodbye” caused by dementia. This leader looked me in the eye and said, "My first and greatest responsibility is to my wife. We are going to spend as much time as we have together, creating experiences while we can."

He teared up as he spoke of his love for his bride of many years. His determination to be there for her and to enjoy life with her is a reminder to us all. There are things in this life that are more important than titles, companies and business opportunities. The choice is ours. We can walk with those we love and create meaningful moments. We can choose to focus on their needs over our own.

This strong leader made a choice to love his wife well - how are we loving those around us? We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but we do have a choice about how we face today. Choose to love selflessly today and you will make a difference.


Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Larry's Keynote at the BuildIT Live Conference 2021

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New Choices


Second Chances