Loser In the Locker Room

There is nothing that will destroy a team quicker than when it is poisoned from within. A seasoned executive knew the importance of getting everyone on his team aligned. He knew that an attitude of negativity, sarcasm, or apathy on the team was a recipe for disaster. He knew that unless his team leaders were committed to leading well, the entire team would suffer. He knew that leadership starts and ends with influence.

That’s why he called his leaders together and encouraged each one to examine his or her actions. He said, “We just can’t have losers in the locker room”. What an incredibly true statement for life. How can we have healthy relationships when there is toxicity present? How can we achieve our goals with passive aggressive behavior on our team? Exemplifying a loser in the locker room mindset is destructive on many levels. It will take down a team and kill a relationship.

We each have the ability to choose how we respond to others, and to our current circumstances. Instead of allowing negative thinking to permeate our behavior, we can choose to address hard times with grit and direct, authentic communication. We can choose to lead with strong perseverance and integrity. We can choose to develop a leadership style that puts the needs of others before our own.

Thank you JP, for reminding us that we all have an impact on those around us. When we choose not to be a loser in the locker room, but instead to be a servant leader, we will make a difference.



Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Meet Demi, with Demi Oluwasina

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