Keeping Your Word

Some would say that it is a rare thing to find one who stays true to his or her word. With the fast-paced competitive environment that we live in, it appears that keeping your word may be becoming less important to those who lead. While this may be true, I recently experienced something very different. 

We have the opportunity to work with a group of executives who lead a division of a large multi-million dollar corporation. With the pressures and constant change in their company, they could have made multiple excuses about not hitting deadlines that are necessary for execution of work.  Instead, they communicated to us regularly, they gave us their word that they were working through the process. They were authentic, transparent and honest. Each leader worked to create a partnership with us by keeping us in the loop with consistent meetings and communication. 

These leaders are not perfect, and their organization has many things to work on to become a more healthy company. Isn't that true of most of us? These leaders chose to walk with integrity and honesty through a jungle of unpredictability and at times poor leadership from those above them in the organization. Their circumstances did not control their character. 

Thank you, my friends, for your leadership and choosing to push this thing through to the finish line with integrity. Choose to be a leader who keeps his or her word and you will make a difference. 



In The Arena


It's Becoming Extinct