It's Becoming Extinct

Thank you, Bo and Bobby! 

In 2020, I am focusing on the word FOCUS. I want to be more intentional about life and the choices I make. One of the things that I am going to focus on is gratitude. We hear a lot about being thankful around November during the Thanksgiving season. However, this focus seems to peter out quickly with the ringing in of the New Year. In fact, I believe we live in a society and culture where authentic gratitude is becoming extinct. 

In the midst of our goals and New Year dreams, what if we began the year by showing gratitude to others.  How about saying, "I appreciate you" to your clergy and those who work tirelessly at your place of worship?  How about those who toil in the non-profits that serve our communities?  Or how about offering gratitude to those who work with you? What if you told your family how much you appreciate them? What about taking the time to sincerely thank those who serve you in multiple places and ways on a daily basis? 

Use this year to develop the habit of looking for ways to show gratitude instead of selfishness or greed. There is nothing that exemplifies strong leadership more than one who lives his/her life with gracious gratitude. 

Bo and Bobby opened their home to us for our family Christmas gathering. Thank you for the hard work and preparation you gave so that we might be together. 

Choose to focus on saying thank you a bit more this year and you will make a difference. 



Keeping Your Word

