It’s Half Over

It’s half over. Here we are in July and, all of the sudden, the year is half over. I was talking with a friend who made the comment that as we age, it seems that life goes by faster. I must admit this phenomenon seems to be happening to me. That is why I want to make the most of each day, each hour and even each moment that I have been given.

The problem is that I allow myself to focus on frustrations that are neither urgent nor important. Many times I find myself consumed with trivial events or circumstances that drain my emotional energy. For instance, I allow something that will not impact my life in any way to drive my mood and my behavior. I allow someone to speak words of criticism into my life who has not earned the right to do so.  I follow those who spew negative thinking into a mindset of hopelessness. 

This is not who I am. This is not how I want to spend the time that I have been given to live. I want to use my time wisely. I want to experience the joy of building strong healthy relationships. I want to love and I want to laugh and I want to walk with those who need a friend during the struggles of life.

I don’t want to waste one minute on things that don’t matter. I want to live intentionally each and every day.

Let’s choose to make the second half of this year different. When we invest in the precious moments of life, we will make a difference.



Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Living Your Legacy, with Steve Shaw

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