Going for (relationship) Gold.

The drama, the controversy, the intrigue…. we have seen all of these in the Paris 2024 Olympics. It has been amazing for me to watch the incredible athletes who have prepared and worked with such discipline to have this opportunity. Just as amazing to me have been the support groups that I have witnessed with these athletes.

To watch the families who have been with them on their long journey celebrate or comfort their loved ones in competition is a reminder of the importance of relationships.

None of the Olympians made it to Paris by themselves. They all had friends, family, coaches and teammates who encouraged, challenged and supported them. Many of the athletes recognized and thanked those who supported and helped them accomplish this dream.

As I watched, it made me pause to ask myself a question: “ Who am I helping to accomplish their dream?” It is a rare thing to have a friend or even a family member who will sacrifice their time, energy, and effort, wanting nothing but the very best for the one they are supporting. We tend to get so caught up in chasing our own dreams that we forget to invest in others.

Someone once said;

“You can get anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want”.

It’s a statement worth pondering.

Identify someone that you will support with no strings attached. Spend the time to listen, encourage, challenge, and love that person.

When we choose to invest in someone unconditionally, we will make a difference.



Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
2023 Wrap-Up: It's Time To Reflect

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