Adult Siblings: Learn to Connect

A lot of us have them. Some are working well, many are struggling. I am talking about adult sibling relationships. They can be complex, filled with difficult past experiences, rivalries, aging parents who need care, and much more.

I have a sister and we have done life together for over 50 years. As adults, we have developed a close and meaningful relationship. We are different, yet we share a common family bond that will never go away. Navigating sibling relationships can be tricky. There is no perfect relationship and the same is true for siblings. However, we can grow in our relationships. It takes making a choice to invest and to learn how to connect with those we care about.

Developing a connection with others is a skill that can be learned. It starts with understanding how you receive and give communication. The next step is to learn how others communicate. I invite you to take a few minutes and listen to our latest episode of Crossing The Line. In this short conversation, we talk about adult sibling relationships and how to improve them.

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My sister is a Lion/Camel in the MAD language. She is strong, determined, passionate, and has more energy than anyone I know. Learning to communicate more effectively with her has been incredibly valuable and fulfilling.

Think about the adult siblings or those who are significant in your life. Are those relationships worth investing in and improving? If the answer is yes, then choose to learn how to connect with them in a more powerful way. Speaking the personality language of others will make a difference.



Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
2023 Wrap-Up: It's Time To Reflect

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