Chris Singer

Chris Singer is a proven, leader with over 30 years of experience at NASA. Throughout his career, he has been a proponent as well as a student of leadership development. He has held top-level positions as well as serving in supporting roles. His interpersonal style and authenticity were crucial during the Space Shuttle Challenger and Columbia tragedies, providing the realistic optimism and tenacity needed for success.

Chris is a trusted coach to leaders across a broad spectrum of products and services. He understands individual and team behaviors and is skilled in using techniques that break down barriers, create collaborations, develop trust, and deliver performance.

His training includes: ICF-certified executive coach, Effective Facilitator, Authentic Leadership, Human Element & Resilience, Creating Innovative Culture, and is a Certified Eagle Coach with The Eagle Center for Leadership.

Chris is committed to facilitating personal growth and enhanced performance for leaders that makes a difference.

Will Myers

I support web designers and developers in Squarespace by providing resources to improve their skills.

Tom Rossi


Michael Scott