Quentin Riggins on Injustice and Choosing Grace Over Judgement

Allow me to introduce you to Quentin Riggins, former college and professional football player, and an executive who exemplifies strong leadership even in the face of challenges. He also has experienced first hand the injustice of racism and prejudice. When I asked him how he was leading his team through these difficult days of 2020, he answered, “I am trying to create a culture where they do not always have to get it right.”

Quentin possesses a great amount of wisdom and courage. He is not afraid of facing hard situations, but is also strong enough to not pull out the hammer of political correctness on those he leads. He allows others to be heard and to express differing opinions and perspective. This has garnered high respect for him from those within his circle of influence and beyond.

I invite you to join our conversation on my Crossing The Line podcast. Quentin’s stories are super interesting and filled with nuggets of truth that will absolutely benefit you as a person and as a leader.


Special Edition - Ridiculous 2020


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