Let’s get to work.

I have observed thousands of relationships and have definitive proof that all successful relationships take work. Those who allow their lives and interactions with others to become stale and stagnant will eventually fail at being fulfilled in their relationships and ultimately, in their life. The problem is that many simply do not understand how to do the work of building and sustaining healthy relationships. Maybe the desire is there, but investing in the wrong things leads us in the wrong direction when it comes to connecting with others.

The first step toward finding success in relationships is realizing that your number one goal is not to be happy. Happiness comes and goes, based on “in the moment” emotions. Relationships that thrive are founded on the long-term commitment to continuously working to understand another person. This means listening and learning about the needs of the other person. It means learning how they communicate, and how they can best receive communication. It means digging deeper to find out what motivates them, what scares them, what triggers them, and what inspires them. It is not easy, fast, or free — the cost is your time, energy, and effort. The reward is truly gaining an awareness of when and how to speak and when and how to listen.

Relationships that matter must be founded on an intentional commitment to hear, understand, accept, and respect the other person. That means not winning every debate or argument. Sometimes, being second is the secret to a long and meaningful relationship. Those who value the person over the issue at hand will work hard to preserve the relationship. Those who must be right and win every argument will most likely find themselves alone.

Relationships are complex, and when we stop working on them, they become shallow and eventually die. We all want successful relationships. The question is, are we willing to intentionally invest in others by putting in the work it takes to experience that success?

Choose to roll up your sleeves and work on the important relationships in your life…it will make a difference!



Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
2023 Wrap-Up: It's Time To Reflect

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A different kind of love