It’s Not That Simple.
It has been said that the secret to becoming a great communicator is to develop the skill of taking something that is complicated and explaining it in simplistic terms. I believe that to be true. I have a low tolerance for those who consistently overcomplicate things that should not be that difficult. However, I also have gained an appreciation for the complexities that present themselves in many areas of our lives.
Life is rarely black; it's full of grey areas, especially when it comes to how we understand and relate to those around us. I have seen incredible damage done to relationships when one person chooses to approach the other with an all-or-nothing mentality. Don’t get me wrong, there certainly are some absolutes when it comes to building strong relationships. However, we often choose to take the easy path and dismiss the people we disagree with, instead of allowing ourselves to work through the struggle of trying to truly understand the intention, perspective, and why behind their choices.
When we slow down and allow ourselves to explore the complexities of another person, what made them who they are today, what drives them to act or behave in a certain way, or why they lack the ability to communicate effectively, then we provide a path toward a deeper and more meaningful relationship. Granted, it’s easier to go for the oversimplified sound bite when someone does something we don’t like — but that rarely yields positive results. While it is much more difficult to seek to understand (not justify), and invest in learning more deeply about someone, the results are many times a more fulfilling and enriched understanding and relationship.
One warning: just because you decide to invest in the complexities of a person does not mean they will do the same. This is a choice you are making; not one that they are necessarily making with you. Set your expectations accordingly.
When we choose to slow down and invest in those around us without simplistic judgements, we will make a difference.
Check out our latest episode of the Crossing the Line Podcast: