I Am Proud

I had the opportunity to visit with a young international adult who was in the United States for a brief stint. What struck me was his love and appreciation for his homeland. He was proud of his country and his enthusiasm was contagious.

This week we are celebrating our 246th birthday as a nation. We are not perfect, and our flaws are many times raw and hurtful. However, I think we spend a lot of time pointing out our weaknesses and neglect the strengths of this great nation. Blood was shed by brave men and women; lives were lost, and huge sacrifices made so that we could have the opportunities afforded to us today.

Opportunities like the right to disagree, debate and protest.
Opportunities like the right to dream and chase those dreams.
Opportunities like the right to travel and live where we choose.
Opportunities to freely worship according to our own convictions.
Opportunities to pursue education, a trade or any skill we choose.
Opportunities to love and care for others. And the list goes on….

Let’s take time from our constant criticism of all that is wrong and celebrate what is right with our country. There are 246 years of blood, sweat and tears to prove that we have much to celebrate.

Wave a flag, say the pledge, sing a patriotic song, shoot some fireworks, and reflect on just how awesome this experiment in democracy really is.

I am proud of my country, and I hope you are as well. Happy Birthday USA – thank you for making a difference!


Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Steve Cook Part 2- How You Walk

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How You Walk