I Know Phil

You really know someone when you have walked with them for nearly 20 years through adversity and victory. These are the experiences where you build or debunk trust for and in someone. It’s really a scientific model of data building. You collect data over a span of time and it gives you the probability of successfully trusting someone. It’s not a perfect science, but it is more predictable than the naivety of blind trust.

I have collected years of data on Phil Marshall. I have watched him navigate very difficult times and I have observed him as he has experienced incredible victories. I know Phil. I know that he is an incredible leader, but much more importantly, he is an incredible person. He is authentic, transparent and totally committed to leading with his head and his heart. He is a servant leader. Phil leads thousands of people at NORDAM, a large aerospace engineering company located in Tusla, Oklahoma.

I continue to learn much from my friend. If you choose to listen to my most recent interview with Phil in the Crossing the Line podcast, you will too. You won’t hear him talk as much about his leadership victories as you’ll hear him share how he used his struggles to make himself a better leader. You will not hear him give easy points or quick tips- you will however, be invited into his life as a leader.

This is a unique opportunity for you to listen and learn. Phil Marshall is a leader who crosses the line and truly makes a difference.



Losing Our Footing


Happy Birthday