Pops Unfiltered | A Look at Legacy

It’s the time of year that we celebrate our fathers. I call mine “Pops”. He is 84 years young and loves telling stories about his life growing up. He loves to laugh, and his stories will leave you doing just that.

The most important thing that Pops taught me was the value of unconditional and enthusiastic love. His Dad (who died before I was born) was a compassionate and loving man, and Pops continues that legacy with his family today. We weren’t wealthy growing up, but we had an abundance of unconditional love and affection in our home. I don’t take this for granted — too many people grow up in homes without a loving father, or with a father who loves his family but struggles to show it.

The good news is that we can choose to live a different legacy from the hurtful ones of our past. We can choose to love unconditionally and abundantly, and we can change the pattern of hurt. We can also celebrate the men in our lives who stood in for a father who wasn’t there, giving us their love and support. While they may not be our biological father, they were certainly still our Dad. This week, let’s honor the men in our lives who have loved us, and return some of the care and support that they’ve shown to us over the years.

We wanted to do something a little different this Father’s Day, so we took our podcast team to Pops’ home. He and I sat down at the dining room table for a fun interview. We laughed, and he told stories. I hope that this podcast brings a smile and encourages you as well.

Choose to celebrate the men who have invested in your life, and you will make a difference..


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