The Day My World Stopped
He asked if my son was ok and I said yes, there were no injuries. What Tony said next caused my world to stop.
Seize The Brain
We were in the midst of great leadership. Our Eagle team decided to invite children along with family members who are involved in a community, after-school tutoring and mentoring program to attend our Christmas party.
Take A Step Back
Meet Ann. If there is anyone who is on her game it's Ann. She is the Executive Professional who supports the CEO of a large corporation.
Kenton's Ownership
It was a busy restaurant at dinner time. I anticipated a delay in service and a crowded noisy experience. Then I met Kenton.
The Glitch
Recently, I was speaking at a leadership conference and we had a technical glitch. The video I had planned to play suddenly did not work
Just A Wish
Meet Ian. But it better be quick, because he is moving. This executive is going to invest in another part of the mega corporation in which he is a leader.
The Drive-By Dive
We have driven by it hundreds of times. It's just a local dive with a small sign out front. Not wanting to fight the crowds on a Friday night, we decided to take a chance on the little hidden restaurant. What we found was a wonderful surprise.
The Hunter's Moon
I'm at my favorite place in the world working on a new book project. I have a routine and ritual that I have established to help me meet my goals.