Honor The Point

My brother-in-law, Kevin, is an avid outdoorsman. He especially loves to bird hunt. Occasionally, I get to join him on a quail hunt. My favorite part is watching the dogs. Kevin explained to me that the dogs have a natural instinct that causes them to point when they smell a bird or a covey of birds. They also “honor the point” of another dog who is already pointing. This occurs when the second dog stops what he/she is doing and goes to support or back up a dog that is on point.

Kevin says that we as leaders could learn a lot from these pups. He put it like this:  “Can you imagine the effect it would have if we, as managers, leaders, politicians, fathers, mothers and even children -- all ran to the daily practice and routine of "honoring the point”? This looks like honoring someone else’s success. It means choosing to allow ourselves to learn and to be lead at times. It means not always having to know all the answers and worse not spewing our arrogance on others. It means taking a back seat at times.

It is interesting that dogs of different breeds, mindsets and personalities all can do this with incredible consistency. Yet, as humans so many times we do not honor one another. We look at the world through our own narrow lenses and refuse to see anything other than our own opinions and agendas.

Choose to make the decision to “honor the point” of someone in your path and you will make a difference!


Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Ridiculous 2020

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